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Restrictions start from today! Here’s where you can and can’t go 😷

Restrictions start from today! Here’s where you can and can’t go 😷

Keep saying 2020 can’t get any worse? Sorry to break it to you foodies, but think again. In an attempt to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Malta, the government announced several new measures last Monday. Sadly for us food lovers, these restrictions happen to target some of our favourite food and drink spots. We’ll be saying goodbye to some of these places at least until the 1st of December. Let’s have a look at the government’s new measures.

While bars have recently been told to shut down after 11pm, as of Thursday the 29th of October they’ll be forced to close down entirely. On the other hand, snack bars and kiosks are allowed to remain open. However, they won’t be able to sell any form of alcoholic beverages and must close down from 11pm until 5am the following morning. The following restrictions are to remain until the 1st of December 2020. What does this mean for us? 🤔

Midnight munchies… you’re in trouble

McDonald’s Għargħur 24/7 Drive-Thru is now forced to close early because it is licensed as a snack bar. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to order your usual McDonald’s go-to after 11pm for delivery either. 😱

Sundays breakfasts disappear

What’s more, our deeply beloved pastizzerija in Rabat has been forced to close down entirely in light of the new COVID-19 restrictions. As it turns out, is-Serkin is actually licensed as a bar. This means that it won’t even be able to operate as it did earlier this year when COVID-19 first struck Malta by opening just for takeaway. 😢

And there’s more!

Balzan’s popular wine bar Fra Giuseppe has also had to alter its services. They will no longer be able to serve wine and any other forms of alcohol during opening hours, but their platters will still be available till 11pm. Many more of our cherished weekly places to visit have even been forced to shut their doors entirely.

Bognor Aquatic Club will also be forced to close their doors. The Bugibba restaurant is classed as an aquatic club, therefore according to the new regulations, even though they run a full restaurant; they will not be able to open it until December 1st.

And the opinions flew in...

As one would expect, several affected people have taken to social media to express their disapproval of these new restrictions. Many bar and snack bar owners have been feeling the most targeted at increasing restrictions that aim to lessen the impact of COVID-19 in Malta. 

Do you agree with the new regulations?

With everything that’s going on, we know it may be difficult to let go of the same places you and your gang love and visit on a weekly basis. In the meantime, it’s good to know all of your remaining options. There are plenty of other places you can go to chill out with your best people in November. Here are some suggestions


Or the right restaurants, should I say. Yes, all restaurants are in fact still open. Now we know that when it comes down to it, going out for a meal won’t quite replace staying out late and having a glass of wine at a casual food place or bar. However, picking a restaurant that has really good food and boasts some pretty attractive views is a good way to distract yourself from what you’re missing. 🍝


With chilly November right around the corner, there’s no better time than right now to go out in nature for a picnic with your friends (at a maximum of 6 people in total, as allowed by law in this current moment). 🌳

Your Friends’ House

If you’ve been following the news, you know that public officials have warned against having private gatherings that consist of more than 6 people. With the right sanitary precautions, you can go ahead and meet in groups of no more than 6 people at a person you trust’s house.

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