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Top 5 Cakes that Make You Wish It Was Cheat Day Every Day 🎂

Top 5 Cakes that Make You Wish It Was Cheat Day Every Day 🎂

Whether you happen to have a strong sweet tooth or only eat dessert on special occasions like birthdays and weddings, you have to admit it. 🎂

Eating cake always leaves you feeling slightly better right after. Wash it down with a pot of tea, eat a slice for breakfast or make it 10 times better by spreading Nutella on it. No matter how or when you do it, eating cake is simply a must for a happy life. To celebrate the fantastic phenomenon that is cake, we've compiled a list of the best cakes worth trying. 

Layered Lemon Cake

This is an absolute favourite of mine, and there are a large number of variations of this luscious cake. However, the spongy lemon cake that’s layered with cream cheese is a must-try. The contrast between the acidity of the lemon and the featherlike cream is addictive. 🍋

Red Velvet Cake 

When it comes to red velvet cake, most people either hate it or love it. If you’re one of the lucky latters, you’ve probably tried to make this peculiar cake at least once. And while you’ve probably managed to achieve the stunning red hue with the use of red food colouring, cake lovers found it a bit more difficult before. In fact, the red velvet’s colour was once achieved from the reaction of buttermilk and cocoa powder.  ❤️

Triple Chocolate Cake 

Because double chocolate cake just doesn’t cut it for us chocoholics. This tasty cake consists of different kinds of chocolate spread between each of the cake’s layers. If you’ve got the appetite to try this rich cake out, let me warn you. It’s heavy, but also very delicious. Wash it down with a glass of cold milk - you won’t regret it! 🍫

Salted Caramel Cake 

Would you be able to resist a slice of this tempting cake? Lathered with salted caramel, this cake’s sponge is typically vanilla, but many people have started to make it with a chocolatey base. The best thing about this is that you’ll find even more caramel in its layers. 😋

Classic Carrot Cake 

This delightful cake is loved by many, and for good reason. A spongy base is usually preferred, and the addition of grated carrots ends up making it extra moist. Carrot cake is also flavoured with rich spices like nutmeg, ginger and cinnamon just to make it extra flavorful. Cream cheese topped with pecans or walnuts is usually the perfect frosting for carrot cake. 🥕

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