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The most Expensive Coffee in the world ☕

The most Expensive Coffee in the world ☕

And we’re not just talking about your €10 coffee order from Starbucks… this is the real deal! 🙊

Coffee can come in so many forms - from your basic and economical cup of instant you gulp down once you get into the office, to the much more expensive customised options available at your favourite coffee shop chain. ☕

What if we really went to the very end of the spectrum and had a peek into the opulence of the most expensive coffees in the world? Come with us and unwind over a hot cup of luxury. The FoodBlog Guide to the world's most expensive coffee. 🤑

Hacienda La Esmeralda

This coffee, which is grown in the Boquete region of Panama, is known for its intense citrus flavour. It sells for anywhere between $100-$350 per pound. This coffee, widely recognised as the most-awarded coffee in the world, has such a high price point due to the labour involved in harvesting it from trees at 1500m above sea level, and its minimal supply. A lot of work goes into that cup of joe! 🤷‍♀️

Kopi Luwak 

Kopi who? This unusual coffee bean is widely regarded as the most expensive coffee in the world. This bean is harvested from partially digested coffee cherries which have been eaten and defecated by the Asian palm civet (an animal a bit similar to a weasel). Weird, right?! 

Produced mainly in Indonesia and the Philippines, this coffee retails for $1300 per kilo of wild-collected beans. How does it taste I hear you ask? Well apparently… not that great! It seems this coffee’s price is based on its unusual harvesting method rather than being a delicious brew. 💩

Black Ivory Coffee

This coffee from Thailand’s northern region fetches a whopping $1886 per kilo. Now that’s an expensive espresso! Again this pricey coffee has its roots in… poop. This time though it’s elephant poop we’re talking about. These elephants digest the coffee cherries and the enzymes in this process remove any bitterness from certain proteins, resulting in a super smooth sip. 🐘

Would you try these Coffee Blends?

So there you have it, some of the world's most expensive coffees. Would you part with your hard-earned cash to try any of these coffees? Let us know in the comments. ☕️

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