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Honey… not just a tea sweetener: check out its healing properties 🍯

Honey… not just a tea sweetener: check out its healing properties 🍯

Flu season is underway and we are doubling down for a wild one with Covid-19 making us all super conscious of keeping as healthy as possible during these winter months. We’ve all had a cup of honey and lemon tea to soothe our sore throats in winters gone by, but did you know that honey is so much more than just a sweetener for your tea? 😲

Let’s take a look at the properties that make honey one of nature’s most potent healers. 🙏🏻

Mother Nature’s antibiotic

Sure, honey is delicious. But did you know that it contains antimicrobial properties to help fight infection? 🤯 

Some kinds of honey even contain hydrogen peroxide. Others have such a high sugar content and low pH that stop microbes from blooming. As far back as ancient times, honey’s high viscosity was used to create a protective barrier against infection. There is even evidence of the ancient Egyptians using honey as embalming fluid for the most revered members of society. 🤔

Not all honey is created equal 

Whilst the honey you find at your local grocery store is certainly delicious and can soothe sore throats, it might not have the magical properties mentioned above. This is because that type of honey is pasteurised and processed. 🏭

Really! To benefit from a whole host of properties, the honey you consume should be raw - a bit more expensive and difficult to find. But can you really put a price on natural healing? 🐝

Not for kiddies 

Well, certainly not for babies under the age of 1! Honey can contain bacteria which may cause botulism in infants. 👶

Save the sweet stuff for after the little one’s first birthday to be safe. 🕯️

Local is best 

Malta’s history with producing honey is a long one. Malta was referred to by the ancient Greeks and Romans calling the islands “Melita” meaning “honey”. Malta’s honey obtains its special taste and properties from the huge range of flora found on the Maltese Islands. This variety lends a special spiced flavour to Maltese honey. 🌻

All in all, honey is more than just a yummy substance to add to your hot drink or baking. It’s full of goodness that can help protect against illness, whilst tasting delicious in the meantime. 

Want some high energy food recipes?

Do you believe in honey’s healing properties? Or do you think it’s a load of nonsense? 

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